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ноу-хау знаем, а как быть с ноу-хау?

Compete on Know-Why, Not Know-How

by Adam Richardson | 12:50 PM April 12, 2012

Do you know why you make the products or offer the services you do? Too often I find that companies don't have a clear enough sense of why they do what they do. They get stuck making incremental improvements that are rooted in existing competencies, markets, and business models.

This is especially problematic when companies decide to innovate. If you don't have a clear understanding of why you are pursuing an innovation, you risk being wasteful and ineffective, and could lack strong differentiators from incumbents. On the other hand, clear, deep, relevant insights help you stay one step ahead of competitors who may try to imitate your creations. If they can't replicate the thinking driving your innovations, they'll be doomed to "me too" status.

I call these types of insights core insights, a concept which I first introduced in my book, Innovation X. Core insights are a complement to the familiar notion of core competencies, which were first advocated by Gary Hamel and the late C.K. Prahalad. But whereas core competencies are about know-how, core insights are about know-why

Ноу-хау знаем, а как быть с ноу-уай?
Compete on Know-Why, Not Know-How
by Adam Richardson | 12:50 PM April 12, 2012
Do you know why you make the products or offer the services you do? Too often I find that companies don't have a clear enough sense of why they do what they do. They get stuck making incremental improvements that are rooted in existing competencies, markets, and business models.

This is especially problematic when companies decide to innovate. If you don't have a clear understanding of why you are pursuing an innovation, you risk being wasteful and ineffective, and could lack strong differentiators from incumbents. On the other hand, clear, deep, relevant insights help you stay one step ahead of competitors who may try to imitate your creations. If they can't replicate the thinking driving your innovations, they'll be doomed to "me too" status.

I call these types of insights core insights, a concept which I first introduced in my book, Innovation X. Core insights are a complement to the familiar notion of core competencies, which were first advocated by Gary Hamel and the late C.K. Prahalad. But whereas core competencies are about know-how, core insights are about know-why.


Know how вошло в язык, know why, по-моему, нет. Посмотрим, подхватят ли люди эту концепцию. Перевод, скорее всего, в любом случае - заимствование.